pillow forms

Pillow Inserts: Shop By Size, Shape, or Stuffing

Throw pillows are often purchased to provide an accent color for the room they're in, usually the living room. These pillows can quickly become lumpy, non-centered, and uncomfortable after frequent use by a number of people. Rather than tossing out the entire pillow, inserts can be purchased to replace the material inside. Many throw pillows offer zippered exteriors that can be washed and reused, with only the insert inside it needing replacement. Pillow inserts are purchased based on size, shape, and type of stuffing needed.

Insert Size

One size not does fit all when it comes to pillow inserts. While many throw pillows are square in shape and small in size, not all meet that criteria. Common throw pillows are offered in sizes 12 by 12, and anywhere up to 30 by 40. Smaller pillows are ideal for decorative accents, often getting placed on a chair or couch. The larger throw pillows are added as accents to a bed.

Form Shape

While square is the common shape for pillow insert sizes, there are other choices as well. The larger throw pillows often come in a rectangular shape. There are also circular throws as well, offering a unique round shape that provides a different look from the norm.

Stuffing Material

The type of material used to stuff throw pillow inserts varies greatly. Polyester fiber is one of the most common types. Down feathers are another popular option, as they are incredibly soft to the touch. Customers have to choose their desired level, however, as a 50/50 fill, 10/90 fill, and even a 25/75 fill is available. A combination of gray duck feathers and goose down is used. Others choose to go green, with many of the newer designer quality pillow inserts being made with an eco-friendly material. These are typically higher in price, but tend to last a lot longer, meaning they won't have to be replaced as often.

Buying entirely new throw pillows is unnecessary, as pillow inserts can be purchased to replace the failing material inside. With a wide selection of inserts available, customers simply have to find the right size and shape to meet their needs, and choose the stuffing material they would most prefer. Whether they want an eco-friendly option, or prefer down feathers for their softness, either choice can be made. PillowCubes offers wholesale pillow inserts to those in need of a large quantity. Both home and business owners alike can purchase a large section of inserts for an affordable price.